[Standards] CSC meeting in Berlin -- video conferencing

Maik Stührenberg stuehrenberg at ids-mannheim.de
Wed Jun 11 10:08:17 CEST 2014

Dear CSC members,

the next CLARIN Standards Committee face-to-face meeting is approaching.
We had a number of registrations for the meeting and the associated 
ISO/TC 37 working groups -- thank you for coming.

Since some of you are not able to attend the meeting in person, the DIN 
has offered us a meeting room equipped with a video conferencing system.

Those of you who are not able to come but are interested in participate 
via video conference please let me know until Friday 13 June.
We will provide you with more technical details in a future mail.

Best regards

Maik Stührenberg

Dr. Maik Stührenberg
Institut für Deutsche Sprache
Zentrale Forschung
R 5, 6-13
D-68161 Mannheim
Tel.: +49 621/1581-424
E-Mail: stuehrenberg at ids-mannheim.de

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