[Userinvolvement] CLARIN Tool Families: Overview of Named Entity Recognizers in the CLARIN infrastructure

Kanella Pouli kanella at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 15:05:25 CET 2019

Hi Darja and all,

two additions have been made for the clarin:el infrastructure.
Both tools have been integrated and are provided as services to clarin:el

Kind regards,

*Kanella POULI*

*Computational Linguist, MSc.*
*ATHENA * <https://www.athena-innovation.gr/en.html>
*RIC <https://www.athena-innovation.gr/en.html>/ ILSP

*Tel: +30 210 6875443*

*Skype: kanellapouli*

On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 6:32 PM Fišer, Darja <Darja.Fiser at ff.uni-lj.si>

> Dear all,
> Jakob and I have started the second tool survey with which we will expand
> the CLARIN Resource Families initiative. It is for tools for Named Entity
> Recognition that are provided by national CLARIN consortia. Please find the
> spreadsheet where we’re collecting the data below:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W7Yv-HMUt0LGsK19btJ_wMK-fmtXWTt0jmSq7OKnrcc/edit?usp=sharing
> We have already provided input for three tools (*NameTag* by LINDAT,
> *janes-ner *by CLARIN.SI, and *PolDeepNer *by CLARIN-PL) to show what
> kind of information we are looking for with this survey, so please use
> these entries as a template for providing information on NER tools for
> your consortium. In contrast to previous surveys of resources, we did not
> search the tools for all CLARIN countries by ourselves since tools are at
> the moment generally less likely discoverable through CLARIN repositories.
> We are kindly requesting your input by *28 November*.
> Best,
> Darja and Jakob
> Univerza* v Ljubljani*
> Filozofska* fakulteta* Assoc. Prof. dr. Darja Fišer
> *Oddelek za prevajalstvo* / *Department of translation*
> Filozofska* fakulteta* / Faculty *of arts*
> Aškerčeva cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija / Slovenia
> darja.fiser at ff.uni-lj.si, www.ff.uni-lj.si
> <http://www.uni-lj.si>
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