[Userinvolvement] Supporting citation

Thorsten Trippel thorsten.trippel at uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Oct 1 17:39:48 CEST 2015

Dear all,

the Lindat example may contain a handle but this is not the classic way 
to cite a handle which whould be hdl:11372/LRT-386 or as an actionable 
PID it would be http://hdl.handle.net/11372/LRT-386. Though the path in 
the URL says "handle" it does not become a handle just by saying so in 
the path, but by being resolvable via the handle-resolver.

Neither of them shows an obvious link to lindat. So I guess we should 
prefer something like Footnote "The data is available at 
http://hdl.handle.net/11372/LRT-386, provided via the CLARIN Research 
infrastructure" or in the reference section as Branco, António (2014). 
Nexing Corpus. http://hdl.handle.net/11372/LRT-386 provided via the 
CLARIN Research infrastructure"

Zotero would not be more helpful as I do not see that Zotero provides 
PIDs that are sustainable (i.e. independent of the hosting institution). 
Maybe some day Zotero will be certified and provide real PIDs ;-)



Am 01.10.15 um 16:56 schrieb Martin Wynne:
> Dear all,
> One of the suggestions at the User Involvement meeting last month was
> that repositories should make it easy for users to cite CLARIN resources
> that they have accessed and used. It was thought that this would be
> encourage use of CLARIN resources, and and help measure usage of resources.
> I promised to make a recommendation to the Centres Committee, which I
> have done in an email, but Dieter would like some more details of the
> requirements, and some examples of good practice in this area.
> I think that the most important requirements are:
> - to provide text on the landing page for a resource giving guidance to
> users on how to cite resources (e.g. fragments of text for them to copy
> and paste);
> - make sure that there are persistent identifiers for online resources,
> that can be cited in publications and which will remain valid;
> - to inform users that citing the resources that they use is important
> for the ongoing sustainability of the resources.
> For examples of good practice I have found the following, which provide
> a fragment of text that can be pasted into a document (although the
> British History one is only a URL not a handle or DOI):
> - https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/handle/11372/LRT-386
> -
> http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/domestic/edw-eliz/addenda/1547-65/p554
> Are there other requirements, and more examples? For example, would
> links to index resources on Zotero be useful?
> Please send any comments of suggestions to the list, or to me and I will
> summarize.
> Best wishes,
> Martin

///////// Dr. Thorsten Trippel   thorsten.trippel at uni-tuebingen.de
    //     Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
   //  //  Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
  //  //   Office:  Wilhelmstr. 19 #2.17
     //    Phone:   +49 (0)7071-29-77352
///////// Federal Republic of Germany

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