[Userinvolvement] Supporting citation

Martin Wynne martin.wynne at it.ox.ac.uk
Thu Oct 1 16:56:27 CEST 2015

Dear all,

One of the suggestions at the User Involvement meeting last month was 
that repositories should make it easy for users to cite CLARIN resources 
that they have accessed and used. It was thought that this would be 
encourage use of CLARIN resources, and and help measure usage of resources.

I promised to make a recommendation to the Centres Committee, which I 
have done in an email, but Dieter would like some more details of the 
requirements, and some examples of good practice in this area.

I think that the most important requirements are:
- to provide text on the landing page for a resource giving guidance to 
users on how to cite resources (e.g. fragments of text for them to copy 
and paste);
- make sure that there are persistent identifiers for online resources, 
that can be cited in publications and which will remain valid;
- to inform users that citing the resources that they use is important 
for the ongoing sustainability of the resources.

For examples of good practice I have found the following, which provide 
a fragment of text that can be pasted into a document (although the 
British History one is only a URL not a handle or DOI):

- https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/handle/11372/LRT-386


Are there other requirements, and more examples? For example, would 
links to index resources on Zotero be useful?

Please send any comments of suggestions to the list, or to me and I will 

Best wishes,

Martin Wynne
IT Services, University of Oxford
Oxford e-Research Centre
Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics
Director of User Involvement, CLARIN ERIC
National Co-ordinator, CLARIN-UK
+44 1865 283352

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