[Tf-curation] after the Curation Meeting in Vienna

Durco, Matej Matej.Durco at oeaw.ac.at
Tue Feb 13 18:27:27 CET 2018

Dear all,

it took some time, but here is some update on the curation task based on the findings and decisions in Vienna:

I worked on the minutes.gdoc [1] reorganizing them and trying to make them a bit more legible. I especially collected all the "curation cases" we encountered during the 3 days into a dedicated section at the end of the document. Making trac-curation-issues out of this is still pending, but scheduled to happen before the next planned telco meeting on 21.2.
I invite you to have a look at the document and comment amend as you see fit.

I also created new mapping files:

which should contain all the normalized values mapped manually in Vienna, but are reduced to only those values that are still encountered in VLO.
They also contain additional contextual information about the usage of the values - as requested in Vienna.

I furthermore created the ticket https://trac.clarin.eu/ticket/1042<https://trac.clarin.eu/ticket/1042#ticket>
describing the task of finalizing the mapping for resourceClass (correction mode).
I now proposed to split this task between Susanne, Hanna and me.
I understood that Jakob and Go won't have free capacities at this time.
However there is more mapping to come (e.g. the profileName to resourceClass mapping - the second mapping file above) so please volunteer to join the mapping task and I would assign you another slice. The more of us join, the less work for each one.
This call goes to all curators, even if you did not join the meeting in Vienna.
We are happy to explain the procedure (basically it's working with csv files via git).

Looking forward to your contributions
and will keep you updated.
The next checkpoint is 21.2. 10:00 - telco.


[1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CZw-RyDsRnaJFdEP_1E08YL6FtOmVf8BtE3yhP1gENQ/edit#
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