[Tf-curation] curation again

Matej Durco matej.durco at oeaw.ac.at
Thu Jun 4 23:08:40 CEST 2015

Dear all,

we will organize a meeting on 2/3 July in Vienna aimed at detailing the 
cooperation between CLARIAH-NL and CLARIAH-AT.
3 July shall be dedicated to curation and related matters, i.e. 
basically meant as F2F curation TF meeting as well.)

i am off now until 14 June, the agenda (and also summary of the 
interesting meeting in Utrecht last week) follow then, just wanted to 
let you know asap.
Would be great if some of you could make it to this meeting. (Vienna in 
high-season! ;-)
People interested and involved in the broader context (Oliver, Thorsten, 
...?) could consider coming also already for 2 July.


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