[Tf-aai] Clarin AAI TF 22.3. 10-11 CET: Agenda

Martin Matthiesen martin.matthiesen at csc.fi
Tue Mar 22 09:15:51 CET 2016

Hello all,

Here's my final agenda suggestion:


Thanks Sander for making the trac page! Trac might be useful to fill in topics as they come up for future meetings.

As you can see I added Sanders suggestion to harvest metadata directly. Because of room bookings we have exactly one hour, so if we need more time for the last topic I suggest to have a separate meeting soon.

See you all in 45 minutes,


Martin Matthiesen
CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus
CSC - IT Center for Science
PL 405, 02101 Espoo, Finland
+358 9 457 2376, martin.matthiesen at csc.fi
Public key : https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x74B12876FD890704
Fingerprint: AA25 6F56 5C9A 8B42 009F  BA70 74B1 2876 FD89 0704

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