[Tf-aai] Doodle: Clarin AAI Taskforce Meeting March 2016

Martin Matthiesen martin.matthiesen at csc.fi
Fri Mar 11 17:18:53 CET 2016

Dear Taskforce Members,

We agreed the last meeting to have more frequent and shorter meetings more focussed on one topic. My appologies that that has not happened. I think a focused meeting relevant to most of us would be good. I suggest the following 2 topics:

* Entity Category for Clarin SPs in eduGAIN

Wolfgang Pempe from DFN-AAI suggests an entity category Clarin SPs to make Attribute Release easier. Originally this was designed to work within Germany but it could be expanded to eduGAIN. There were some discussions with Sander that we should use mdrpi:PublicationPath instead to mark SPs as being registered with SPF and therefore as Clarin SPs.

Some comments: Marking SPs as relevant for Clarin might psychologically help with Attribute Release but does not really imply that personal data is safer with Clarin SPs than with any other SP. But pushing for earmarking our SPs might again stress the fact that working AAI becomes more and more relevant.

* Information sharing: Any news from you? Please let me know, I would like to add them as one liner to the agenda.

Here are news from my part:

* HZSK Hamburg is working on their own SP and at the same time seems to have managed to get the University to setup an IdP. Timm might have details.
* CSC has developed a Shibboleth based error page for missing attributes, I am currently beta-testing it. The page will be working with shibboleth-sp for Apache. The idea is to have the attribute checking happening before the application level and therefore make it easier to admins to provide better guidance in case of missing attributes, without having to touch application code.
* The NCF has expressed the wish that Clarin taskforces should work together with relevant Dariah taskforces. With AAI this certainly makes sense. I haven't reached out yet, though.

Please mark your times here: 

I would like to stay under an hour, but some flexibility would be nice, since we haven't met for a while.

Have a nice weekend, hope to see you soon!


P.S.: Some anecdotes for the weekend:

1) Europe's eastern most university and eduGAIN [1]

A student from University of Eastern Finland asked for a Clarin IdP account because he could not use a Clarin Service in Norway. Dieter told me about it and I tried to help them figure out the problem. It turned out it was in Norway, on the SP side. But when I asked IdP admins to consider eduGAIN and the Code of Conduct the answer was: "We don't really see the need." They did not realize that the scenario at hand was just that need. And of course there was no immediate need, because the Norwegian SP was registered with Haka via SPF...

2) Connecting Europe's northern most university [2]
29.1. A user from UiT Tromsø wants to use Kielipankki. 
1.2. Feide sends me a list of personal emails that apparently can do something about it. I contact them.
2.2. No reply, I ask the user to request Attribute Release with her local help desk. She does so 3.2.
8.3. I also contact UiT's helpdesk
23.2. Nothing happened. I ask the user.
24.2. She forwards me the email she got from the admins. They don't really know how to do this.
8.3. She finally gets confirmation from the admins that Kielipankki is registered with their IdP.
11.3. I ask her to test the connection. At least I get a login window.

[1] http://www.uef.fi/en/uef/introduction (they sort of omit that their 3 campuses are about 150km apart from each other)
[2] https://en.uit.no/startsida

Martin Matthiesen
CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus
CSC - IT Center for Science
PL 405, 02101 Espoo, Finland
+358 9 457 2376, martin.matthiesen at csc.fi
Public key : https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x74B12876FD890704
Fingerprint: AA25 6F56 5C9A 8B42 009F  BA70 74B1 2876 FD89 0704

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