[Tf-aai] Attributes

Jozef Misutka misutka at ufal.mff.cuni.cz
Fri Jan 22 15:45:17 CET 2016

Dear all,

we have inconsistencies in the following components
1) isRequired attributes in SP's metadata
2) https://www.clarin.eu/content/attributes-service-provider-federation
3) shib_test

For instance,
An SP requires eduPersonScopedAffiliation.
IdP admin wants to test he can login so he visits shib_test of that SP and
it will say
""*Optional *attribute eduPersonScopedAffiliation is available"""
then he will see that eduPersonScopedAffiliation is not even mentioned in

I suggest to:
- synchronise 2) and 3)
- update 3) to not check the default attribute profile (or if then clearly
state it) but require SP specific overrides and make it a clear requirement
on the web page
- update 3) to better support the default attribute profile - there is OR
between eptid/persistent and eppn but the output of 3) gives the impression
that both are needed)

If we agree and there is no volunteer, I will do it.

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