[Tf-aai] Attribute Checker ready for testing

Martin Matthiesen martin.matthiesen at csc.fi
Mon Apr 4 16:22:41 CEST 2016

Hello again,

To end the day on a brighter note: In out last taskforce meeting I mentioned an Attribute Checker that makes use of a build in feature of the Shibboleth Apache module (for SPs). (It does not work with SimpleSaml PHP).

Here's the documentation:


The tool was developed by Sami Silén (cc), comments are welcome. Keep in mind though, that we kept it deliberately quite simple, so it can easily be adopted to local needs.

There is a test implementation available:

credentials teppo/testaaja from testidp.

This page will not solve everything but I do hope that Clarin SPs deploy it widely. At least the SP has a better chance of potential users complaining to their home organisations with a qualified email. At the moment they most likely stay quiet or complain in a way ("does not work") that does not necessarily help even a benevolent IdP to locate the problem.

Regards from Finland,

Martin Matthiesen
CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus
CSC - IT Center for Science
PL 405, 02101 Espoo, Finland
+358 9 457 2376, martin.matthiesen at csc.fi
Public key : https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x74B12876FD890704
Fingerprint: AA25 6F56 5C9A 8B42 009F  BA70 74B1 2876 FD89 0704

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