[Standards] doodle for the short meeting in December (fill out until 25.11)

Piotr Banski banski at ids-mannheim.de
Thu Nov 19 03:20:51 CET 2020

Dear all,

This is the first piece of my post-meeting homework: doodle for the 
short meeting in December designed for quick reports on the successes 
and obstacles in reaching our goals (more on the goals later -- both in 
the minutes and in a summary message to this list).

When I suggested the second week of December, I didn't realise precisely 
when in the week December begins, so the doodle is a compromise between 
what is and what I would like to see, spanning 5 working days from the 
9th of December (Wednesday) until the 15th of December (Tuesday).

("What I would like to see" basically means "as late as possible without 
causing you to skip the meeting because of your amassed December 
deadline headaches".)

The doodle is at: https://doodle.com/poll/ebidkknp4yk9etg2

Please kindly fill it out until Wednesday the 25th of November, so that 
we know what to expect in our plans for December.

Thanks in advance and best regards,


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