[Standards] virtual meeting: a coarse-grained survey until Tuesday 12.05

Piotr Banski banski at ids-mannheim.de
Fri May 8 12:52:26 CEST 2020

Dear all,

I would like to resume the pursuit of our aim concerning producing a 
unified list of standards. While, for a while to come, the dream of 
getting us locked up in some nice room in Utrecht has to remain just 
that, let us try to tackle at least bits of the overall task in virtual 

I have prepared a doodle to gauge the overall availability of the CSC 
members over the three weeks after May 17th. I would like to ask you to 
reply to the doodle *before the evening of the 12th of May *(Tuesday), 
so that I could follow up on Wednesday morning with a more specific 
hour-based doodle for the days when most of us may be available.

I am thinking of a maximally 2-hour meeting that would be followed up by 
some work and another meeting in late June / early July (and then we'll 
see -- late July / early August would be another target). I hope that in 
this way, we will be able to at least approximate the results of a 
face-to-face meeting.

The link to the doodle survey is https://doodle.com/poll/kxayufse2txh26ru

For some background, please see the minutes-to-be of our last meeting:


(I'm still away from my office and the notes I scribbled on paper).

Thanks in advance for your input and best regards,


Piotr Bański, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher,
Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache,
R5 6-13
68-161 Mannheim, Germany

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