[Standards] update on the doodle concerning March

Piotr Banski banski at ids-mannheim.de
Fri Dec 6 18:00:56 CET 2019

Dear all,

So far, 9 members have voted and I have gotten one signal from 
Francesca, who is not sure if she's going to be able to participate so 
she preferred not to tip the scales for the others, and one signal from 
Andreas, which can still be turned into an actual vote (if I recall the 
message correctly). We can still do better in terms of votes cast.

At this point, there is a tie of 8 votes for the following 3 dates 
(assuming lunch-to-lunch):

18-19.03 and 26-27.03   have one "if needed" vote and 7 positive

19-20.03   has two "if needed" and 6 positive

Since no hotel reservations are going to be made during the weekend by 
the Office (I'm guessing), let us please agree to wait for the potential 
votes from the remaining members until Sunday night. Anything that 
brings us closer to the "natural" resolution of the tie will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance and have a good weekend,


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