[Standards] namespace proposal status and the ISO request

Piotr Bański banski at ids-mannheim.de
Wed Nov 29 00:29:06 CET 2017

Dear all,

I have received good news on the status of the proposal concerning 
namespace regulation (it has been -- I am told -- accepted by the BoD, 
and I am to receive some formal confirmation of that soonish), and a 
repeated plea from the ISO colleagues for the namespace string for the 
SynAF 2 specification, a draft of which i have placed in the clarin wiki 
in case you would like to consult it:


Please treat it as confidential (this is why I do not attach it here, 
and why I will remove the file from the wiki after a while, namely when 
the relevant information for the public HTML page has been agreed on).

In the meantime, (and this is not off-topic) I consulted Dieter on the 
issue of the move of the Standards Information System from the IDS to 
the clarin.eu domain, and technicalities and further local consultation 
aside, the result is that the code is going to be served from the IDS 
via a reverse proxy from clarin.eu. (This is a single sentence but the 
process took some aligning of various positions.)

I have negotiated with the SynAF editor various versions of the 
namespace string to be proposed, while trying to take into consideration 
the path from/to which the Standards Information System is going to be 
proxied. As a result, I would like to ask you to accept the following 
proposal, which will be accompanied by a summary from the introduction 
to the SynAF 2 specification:


(the idea here being that http://clarin.eu/standards/ would be our root 
directory in the clarin.eu domain, and ns/ would be a subdirectory for 
all the namespaces, while other possible subdirectories would 
potentially serve for other purposes).

You will surely recall that this issue was urgent, and I am guilty of a 
delay because of my intensive weekly conference stay in Canada and a 
crazy jet-lag/narcolepsy week that followed it. I am hoping for your 
understanding in setting the deadline for vetoes to Friday morning, so 
that I could confirm the string to the ISO secretariat still this week, 
because that is apparently the only thing that prevents the spec from 
entering a further step, at the danger of a cancellation. I would dearly 
like to avoid looping with the ISO colleagues /this week/ on the precise 
text to be published at the resolved URL, but I trust that the presence 
of the draft document is proof enough that the text can be constructed 
by the time that the relevant HTML page is up.

Summing up (and apologies for the length of this message):

* Please kindly agree to allow ISO TC37 SC4 to use the string 
"http://clarin.eu/standards/ns/synaf" as the namespace in the upcoming 
SynAF 2 standard, a draft of which is (confidentially) made available at 
the CLARIN wiki.

* I will consider the proposal accepted if no vetoes are communicated to 
this list until Friday morning (10 a.m. CET), and I will then forward 
the decision to the ISO Secretariat.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and best regards,


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