[Clarin-nl] Fw: Mobility grants

Rutten, G.J. (Gijsbert) g.j.rutten at hum.leidenuniv.nl
Mon Mar 11 19:50:31 CET 2024

Beste allen,

Zie het bericht hieronder over CLARIN Mobility Grants.

hartelijke groeten,

From: NCF <ncf-bounces at lists.clarin.eu> on behalf of Darja Fišer via NCF <ncf at lists.clarin.eu>
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 6:42 PM
To: Darja Fišer via NCF <ncf at lists.clarin.eu>
Subject: [NCF] Mobility grants

Dear National Coordinators,

With this email we want to draw your attention to the possibilities in Mobility Grants. We have budgeted 5 mobility grant for this year. Last year we received and approved 1 mobility grant application. We encourage you to think about how you may use a mobility grant to get more visibility, in particular focusing on researchers’ needs. The call is here: https://www.clarin.eu/content/clarin-mobility-grants


Darja Fišer
CLARIN ERIC Executive Director
www.clarin.eu<http://www.clarin.eu/> | www.inz.si<http://www.inz.si/>
darja.fiser at clarin.eu<mailto:darja.fiser at clarin.eu> | darja.fiser at inz.si<mailto:darja.fiser at inz.si>
CLARIN ERIC | c/o Utrecht University | Drift 10 | 3512 BS Utrecht | The Netherlands
Institute of Contemporary History | Privoz 11 | 1000 Ljubljana | Slovenija

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