[Clarin-nl] Fw: DELAD Questionnaire Resource Family Corpora of Speech Disorders

Rutten, G.J. (Gijsbert) g.j.rutten at hum.leidenuniv.nl
Thu Apr 18 17:48:15 CEST 2024

Beste allen,

Zie het bericht en de vragenlijst hieronder – ook om verder te verspreiden!

hartelijke groeten,



The DELAD Steering group is surveying the research community to collect information about existing corpora of speech disorders in order to compile them into a CLARIN Resource Family<https://www.clarin.eu/resource-families>. If you have developed such a corpus and you would like to make it findable via the CLARIN research infrastructure, please fill in the DELAD questionnaire.

Link to the questionnaire: https://forms.gle/cfoU3bsK5aPtDWQz9

Deadline: 6 May 2024

If you have questions about the questionnaire, please contact klessa at amu.edu.pl<mailto:klessa at amu.edu.pl> or satu.saalasti at uef.fi<mailto:satu.saalasti at uef.fisatu.saalasti@uef.fi>.

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