[Userinvolvement] REMINDER: Overview of national UI activities 2020

Liané Van Den Bergh Liane.VanDenBergh at nwu.ac.za
Mon Sep 21 09:24:11 CEST 2020

Dear Jakob
I hope you are well. I wanted to complete the form last week, but was
on family responsibility leave - my baby had an operation.
Can I still complete the form and submit it before 13:00 today?
Kindest regards

NWU CORONA VIRUS: http://www.nwu.ac.za/coronavirus/ 
Vrywaringsklousule / Disclaimer: 
>>> Lenardič, Jakob <Jakob.Lenardic at ff.uni-lj.si> 2020/09/17 11:07 AM
Dear all,

this is just a kind reminder that the deadline for reporting the
national UI activities is 18 September, that is, tomorrow.

Thanks to all who have already reported your consortium's activities.



On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 2:13 PM Fišer, Darja <Darja.Fiser at ff.uni-lj.si>

Dear all, 

this year’s annual CLARIN conference will be virtual, so we won’t have
our regular annual meeting there because the conference programme is
packed as it is and virtual events are much more tiring, so we decided
to keep committee meetings separate from the main programme. Instead, we
will organize a separate virtual meeting shortly after the conference,
you will recieve an invitation to Doodle soon. 

But because we need to prepare our annual reports for the SAB and the
GA, we need to proceed with our yearly overview of User Involvement
activities and events carried out by the national consortia. We are
interested in all types of your awareness-raising, educational and
outreach events that have taken place or are yet to take place in the
period between last year’s conference in Leipzig (30 September–2 October
2019) and this year’s virtual conference (5–7 October 2020). 

We kindly ask all the national UI representatives and/or National
Coordinators to fill in either this Google form
(https://forms.gle/mcjFUVZCMRgWWP87A) or this Google spreadsheet
with the relevant information pertaining to the events and activities
that have been organized by their consortia. We need your input by ***18

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we realise that there will most
likely be fewer events or teaching activities to report, but we
nevertheless require your input as the overview of the national
activities is an integral part of the annual CLARIN ERIC report on User
Involvement. We are also very interested to hear any success stories
related to the successful and/or innovative organisation of or
participation in events in the time of the pandemic, such as virtual
conferences, workshops, webinars, on-line tutorials, etc., and all your
other types of outreach activities that do not require physical
presence, such as academic dissemination (posters, papers, demos and
similar) and dissemination in the mass media (newspaper, radio, TV,
podcast, blog, social media campaign). We will share the report with you
at our virtual annual meeting.

If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to get in touch.


Darja and Jakob
Userinvolvement mailing list
Userinvolvement at lists.clarin.eu

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