[Userinvolvement] REMINDER: Request: Information about the national consortia's already-on-going involvement in COST actions

Lenardič, Jakob Jakob.Lenardic at ff.uni-lj.si
Sat Feb 18 11:37:53 CET 2017

Dear all,

I would kindly like to remind you that we still need information on which COST Actions members of your consortia are involved in. Please indicate the relevant information in this spreadsheet<https://www.dropbox.com/s/gaddndyk8yfpt7j/ui-cost17.xlsx?dl=0>, which is in the UI Dropbox folder. Please submit your answers by 28 February.

Best regards,

Jakob Lenardič

From: Lenardič, Jakob
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 11:29 AM
To: userinvolvement at lists.clarin.eu
Cc: Fišer, Darja
Subject: Request: Information about the national consortia's already-on-going involvement in COST actions

Dear all,

As you may know, User Involvement plans for CLARIN to be more visible in the relevant COST actions (lots of opportunities for showcasing, networking, training events and short term scientific missions). I would therefore be grateful to learn which COST Actions members of your consortia are already actively engaged in and where new efforts are still required.

I have compiled a list of the potentially relevant on-going COST Actions, which is available in the UI Dropbox folder<https://www.dropbox.com/s/gaddndyk8yfpt7j/ui-cost17.xlsx?dl=0>. Please indicate the COST Actions members of your consortia are part of in the relevant column for your consortium. For your convenience, information for Slovenia has already been pre-filled, so you can use it as a model.

If a COST Action is not on the list, please add it to the table. We are only interested in the on-going COST Actions, not in the ones that have already ended. If you need it, a full list of COST actions can be found here<http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/all_actions>. If you can't access the folder or find it easier, feel free to send the list by email to me (jakob.lenardic at ff.uni-lj.si<mailto:jakob.lenardic at ff.uni-lj.si>).

Please submit your answers by 28 February.

Best regards,
Jakob Lenardič
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