[Tf-curation] Meeting tomorrow, 13.3. (shift to 13:00!)

Durco, Matej Matej.Durco at oeaw.ac.at
Mon Mar 12 20:13:08 CET 2018

Dear all,

we have scheduled a meeting for tomorrow.
On short notice (as usual), I have to reschedule it for 13:00 (instead of 10:00) due to "meeting competition".
I hope still most of you will be able to join.

Regarding the main task #1044<https://trac.clarin.eu/ticket/1044> mapping profileNames to resourceClasses,
the second half of the list is processed -> thanks to the contributors.
The first half is still untouched. I won't name the names, but those belated, please, try to complete asap. It does not take long.
Nevertheless, we took the mapping file as it is now and are starting a fresh import. Thus tomorrow we should already be able to see the effect!
>From looking at the numbers in the mapping file it looks very promising.

Twan or Menzo - can you obtain a Zoom-meeting-room for us?

Hope to meet you all there.

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