[Tf-curation] Curation TF - F2F meeting at CAC2015

Durco, Matej Matej.Durco at oeaw.ac.at
Wed Oct 7 18:56:35 CEST 2015

Dear all,

As you may have seen, next week on Thursday morning there will be the TF slots at CAC. We decided for CMDI and Curation to sit together (at least partly) over both slots (9-11:15 room Berlin; 11:45-13:00 we may split to rooms Prague & Vienna if needed).

We (at ACDH) have been intensively working on the issue and are compiling some comprehensive material (analysis, findings, recommendations), which we will circulate beforehand, hopefully by Friday, worst case on Monday.

Could you please indicate, who will be able and willing to join us on Thursday morning, to know how many we shall expect?


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