[Tf-aai] AAI Taskforce in Aix-en-Provence

Martin Matthiesen martin.matthiesen at csc.fi
Mon Oct 10 12:06:38 CEST 2016

Dear Taskforce members,

I would like to have a meeting in Aix, I hope most of you are there? I am a bit late with reserving a slot, I hope to get one on 26.10.

Here's a preliminary agenda:

1. Status of Aaggreg


Are there first conclusions to be drawn? Would we be willing to expand the user base? Maybe even beyond Clarin? As long as we offer it as-is and are able to get Clarin-specific statistics, I think the more statistics the better.

2. The clarin entity category confusion. 

DFN marks us differently than eduid.cz. What do we do about it?

3. The upcoming GDPR


We have time until May 2018, but we should prepare for it.

4. Anything else?


[1] https://clarineric.slack.com/archives/spf/p1467710972000028

Martin Matthiesen
CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus
CSC - IT Center for Science
PL 405, 02101 Espoo, Finland
+358 9 457 2376, martin.matthiesen at csc.fi
Public key : https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x74B12876FD890704
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