[Standards] trac.clarin.eu -- please make sure that you have access there

Piotr Banski banski at ids-mannheim.de
Fri Jul 3 18:52:18 CEST 2020

Dear all,

I have began to update the page at 
https://trac.clarin.eu/wiki/StandardsCommittee , firstly because it 
needs an update as our rather useful internal resource hub, and secondly 
because I would like it to host ISO documents shared with CLARIN under 
the ERIC-TC37SC4 liaison.

It seems to me that a while ago some of us reported being unable to 
access the Clarin trac. May I ask you all, in the coming week or so, to 
give the address above a try and, if you fail to access the page, take 
steps to set up a trac account?

The message I get when logged out is "Please log in with a 
user.clarin.eu software developer account (e-mail/password).” which 
leads me to understand that user.clarin.eu is where one needs to go in 
order to start on the road towards accessing the trac (myself, I am not 
able to authenticate there, but I assume that I must have been able to, 
once :-)

With thanks in advance and wishing you a nice weekend,


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