[Standards] Coordination with other institutions/RIs/projects (deadline: 9.10.2019)

Piotr Banski banski at ids-mannheim.de
Wed Oct 2 15:20:40 CEST 2019

Dear all,

The topic of this message describes what we as a committee are obligated 
to report on, each year.

In 2018, we reported the following connections: DARIAH, ISO TC37 SC4, 
Parthenos, TEI and OpenMinTeD. Let me quote the last two as examples:

• Piotr Bański and Andreas Witt are convenors of the Special Interest 
Group “TEI for Linguists” (LingSIG)
• Penny Labropoulou and Marta Villegas are members of the project and 
co-authors of the OMTD-SHARE ontology

If you can report on a connection, in your CSC-related capacity, with an 
institution, RI or a project, please kindly send a message to the list 
or to me directly, in a form similar to the examples above. This is a 
relatively urgent action item, and probably the only thing that can 
delay sending the report to the BoD. Since I will be offline for some 
time beginning next week, I will only be able to include information of 
this sort that reaches me by the 9th of October.

Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Best regards,


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