[Standards] CSC meeting: working agenda (14-16, Mig Hall)

Piotr Banski banski at ids-mannheim.de
Mon Oct 8 03:42:34 CEST 2018

Dear All,

I would like to suggest a working agenda for our Monday meeting to be as 

1. Opening, potential round of introductions
2. Review of last year's conclusions to see to what extent they have 
been followed
3. Points requested by the Secretariat (reporting for the GA):
3.1 A roundup of major activities, decisions and achievements in the 
past year
3.2 New/updated information on coordination with other 
institutions/research infrastructures/projects
4. Review of the proposed standards categorization from the white paper 
on unified CLARIN recommendations for the use of standards (circulated 
in May 2018)
5. A glance at Hanna's and Piotr's Bazaar presentation -- we count on 
the Members' active support
6. Plans for 2019 (individual plans and CSC plans to be submitted in a 
report to the GA)
7. "other issues"
7.1 The CSC's stance on CLARIN's membership in the TEI consortium
7.2 ...
8. Conclusion of the meeting

This is a "working" agenda because we will be reshaping it slightly if 
the need arises, and new items under #7 can be added in the course of 
the day or during the meeting.

We have two hours at our disposal and apart from pushing ahead major 
issues concerning standards recommendations, we should ideally arrive at 
a set of (decisions and information items expressed as) bullet points to 
be reported on both in the final session of the CAC and in a committee 
report to the GA.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

   Piotr (also for Charly)

Piotr Bański, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher,
Institut für Deutsche Sprache,
R5 6-13
68-161 Mannheim, Germany

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