[Standards] revised text concerning the namespace-regulating facility

Piotr Bański banski at ids-mannheim.de
Wed Oct 25 18:56:56 CEST 2017

Dear all,

I have revised the text that I propose to submit to the BoD. I hope that 
the way I formulated it does justice to the preceding discussion. To be 
sure: it does not mention ISO at all and gives the CSC freedom to decide 
on the way to process each case.

The document's address hasn't changed:


and your comments will be welcome.

I am not sure how to proceed with this formally if no negative votes are 
registered. I believe the most proper way would be to ask Koenraad, as 
our liaison to the BoD, to direct the document to the appropriate 
channel. (I previously mentioned that I would send it myself, but later 
realised that this might be perceived as sidestepping Koenraad, which 
was definitely not my intention :-)).

Best regards,


Piotr Bański, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher,
Institut für Deutsche Sprache,
R5 6-13
68-161 Mannheim, Germany

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