[Standards] ISO-CLARIN liaison proposal

Piotr Bański banski at ids-mannheim.de
Wed Dec 14 22:57:28 CET 2016

Dear All,

I am writing to share information on the planned CLARIN-ISO liaison, and 
to ask for your support.

Earlier this year, at the annual ISO conference in Copenhagen, Andreas 
Witt put forward a suggestion for ISO TC37 SC4 to consider CLARIN-ERIC 
as a potential liaison partner. That suggestion was voted on and 
approved by SC4, and Andreas was tasked with providing the necessary 
information to the CLARIN Office and with facilitating the entire 
process. Andreas did the former and I have now taken over from him the 
latter task, and prepared a CLARIN Trac wiki page with a broader context 
for you and with information that the BoD can use to make sure that the 
liaison is a beneficial move.

In short, it's a prospect for mutual benefits, whereby ISO TC37 SC4 
benefits from the expertise of CLARIN researchers and CLARIN gets 
greater visibility in standardization circles, access to the relevant 
(draft) documents and an advisory voice in shaping the ISO processes. 
And, on a smaller scale, the CSC gets a firmer stand within CLARIN.

The wiki page mentioned above is accessible at


and the core of it, which is the table listing ISO projects that CLARIN 
researchers have been involved with, will benefit from your expertise -- 
the information I provided came from my memory, consultation with 
colleagues at the IDS and from following up on some of the trails on the 
Net. I am rather sure that as it is now, the table does not yet do full 
justice to either the people or the issues involved, and I will be most 
grateful if you could take a look at it and add the relevant info 
directly or share it here.

Thanks in advance and best regards,


Piotr Bański, Ph.D.
Senior Researcher,
Institut für Deutsche Sprache,
R5 6-13
68-161 Mannheim, Germany

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