[CLARIN-OH] CLARIN Oral History workshop: follow-up

Corti, Louise corti at essex.ac.uk
Mon Jun 6 20:38:49 CEST 2016

Ok, sure. Great!

That will be pretty much the same paper as me.. so let's sure we find some good contrasting angles. If we can present case studies of what people have done and what tools they have used that would make ot strong.

id like to get some really contrasting perspectives but not get too hung up on actual tools (me and my tool), but more on  functionality and exploitation of rich metadata.

Attached is a first draft of the abstract I want to give.

When does qualitative sociological research become digital humanities? : competing disciplinary standards for data publishing
Corti & Bell

In this paper we look at the differences and similarities between the approaches taken by social science data archives with digital humanities scholars to document and publish ‘qualitative’ data collections, that include oral history.

While the data created are the same products, say a set of audio/audio-visual recordings with a topic guide, the needs for users from different communities appear to be quite different.

In this paper we present use cases from both communities and compare and contrast the approaches. We provide example of data portals that have published oral history data, considering what type of functionality has been made available, which metadata standards have been used, and how automated and reusable are the workflows.

We describe a ‘data dive’ we will be holding based on a large-scale British oral history collection that aims to bring together users across the disciplines to identify approaches and tools needed for discovery and analysis.



From: Stef Scagliola <scagliola at eshcc.eur.nl>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 4:56:41 PM
To: Corti, Louise; Henk van den Heuvel; Francesca Frontini
Cc: oral-history at lists.clarin.eu
Subject: Re: [CLARIN-OH] CLARIN Oral History workshop: follow-up

Hi Louise,
I would love to join, I missed your former e-mail, can we use the CLARIN text as a  basis? What is the work that needs to be done? IT depends on the amount of effort needed if I can join, I have a presentation this coming Friday at the Benelux digital humanities conference here in luxemburg.
I can do a presentation on multidisciplinarity and how oral history is an appropiate source to bring disciplines together,

Van: <oral-history-bounces at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history-bounces at lists.clarin.eu>> on behalf of "Corti, Louise" <corti at essex.ac.uk<mailto:corti at essex.ac.uk>>
Datum: maandag 6 juni 2016 16:21
Aan: Henk Van Den Heuvel <H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl<mailto:H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl>>, Francesca Frontini <francescafrontini at gmail.com<mailto:francescafrontini at gmail.com>>
CC: "oral-history at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history at lists.clarin.eu>" <oral-history at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history at lists.clarin.eu>>
Onderwerp: Re: [CLARIN-OH] CLARIN Oral History workshop: follow-up

Hi all,

As suggested i Oxford, I'd like to submit a panel session at on publishing oral history data, that brings together the different disciplinary perspectives we have highlighted and different metadata and tools needs etc. https://rd-alliance.org/digital-infrastructures-research-28-30-september-2016-kr%C3%A1kow

Digital Infrastructures for Research: 28-30 September 2016 ...<https://rd-alliance.org/digital-infrastructures-research-28-30-september-2016-kr%C3%A1kow>
Europe's leading e-infrastructures invite all researchers, developers and service providers for three days of brainstorming and discussions at the Digital ...

I'm submitting a paper anyway on these differences. Is anyone else going or planning to do something.

Does one of you CLARIN''s want to submit a session with me? and a panel session?

Im speaking on Weds with EUDAT to discuss collab with social science data publishing and CESSDA.

Deadline is this week.



From: oral-history-bounces at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history-bounces at lists.clarin.eu> <oral-history-bounces at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history-bounces at lists.clarin.eu>> on behalf of Henk van den Heuvel <H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl<mailto:H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl>>
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2016 12:56:54 PM
To: Francesca Frontini
Cc: oral-history at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history at lists.clarin.eu>
Subject: Re: [CLARIN-OH] CLARIN Oral History workshop: follow-up

I think these two are relevant:

  *   Heuvel, H. van den, Oostdijk, N.H.J., Sanders, E. & Lint, V. de (2015). Data curations by the Dutch Data Curation Service. Overview and future perspective.<http://hdl.handle.net/2066/150245> In J. Odijk (Ed.),Proceeding of Selected Papers from the CLARIN 2014 (pp. 54-62). Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings.

  *   Heuvel, H. van den, Sanders, E.P., Rutten, R., Scagliola, S. & Witkamp, P. (2012). An Oral History Annotation Tool for INTER-VIEWs.<http://hdl.handle.net/2066/101864> In Proceedings of LREC 2012 (pp. 215-218). Istanboel.

Kind Regards,

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Francesca Frontini <francescafrontini at gmail.com<mailto:francescafrontini at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Henk,
yes indeed we checked the one you mention, since we saw it was the one with more components.
Could you please point us to to any documentation/publication that is connected to that profile and any resource already described with it ?
Thanks a lot,

2016-05-05 11:54 GMT+02:00 Henk van den Heuvel <H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl<mailto:H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl>>:
Hi Silvia and Francesca,

Yes, that is the version to use.
You can also use ' Oral HistoryInterview'DANS' of the same date which contains an extra component that we needed to store the data at DANS. Just have a look and see if you think that extra componenet has additional value.

By the way, your comments are welcome!

KInd Regards,

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 11:04 AM, Silvia Calamai <silvia.calamai at unisi.it<mailto:silvia.calamai at unisi.it>> wrote:
Dear Martin,
dear all,

Francesca and I are working on the CMDI Component Registry 'Oral History
Interview' in order to verify whether Gra.fo project's metadata are
coherent with those created by E. Sanders.
There are two different versions and we are scrutinising the one with
'2013-05-31' registration date. Is that correct?

Best wishes,
Silvia Calamai

Il 29-04-2016 14:17 Martin Wynne ha scritto:
> Dear Participants,
> Many thanks again to all of you for your excellent input into what
> was, I think, a very interesting and useful workshop. As we discussed
> in Oxford, the workshop is only the start of a number of collaborative
> activities, where we try to put into practice many of the ideas. As
> some of you will know, the experiment to carry out forced alignment on
> a number of OH recordings and to align text and audio in different
> languages is already well underway, and the participants will soon be
> able to post some results, and a 'how-to'.
> To facilitate this and the other ongoing collaborations, we have
> created an email discussion list (oral-history at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history at lists.clarin.eu>), and
> Arjan has set up a folder on the Google Drive, at the following
> location:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2G6WZS1ASJMVTB2QnF5WFNkbjA
> You should be able to see a document there summarizing the outcomes
> and proposed actions from the meeting. Since we don't know which
> google or other account you would like to use to access this, please
> request access for your chosen account when you would like to edit one
> of the pages there, and we'll grant you permission.
> Please feel free to post to this list relevant information and
> contributions to the discussions. I have also included on the email
> list two other people, who were not able to attend the workshop due to
> other commitments, but who are keen to participate in ongoing actions.
> Both provided summaries of their interests and activities in the
> 'Input from participants' document:
>  Christoph Draxler, Institut für Phonetik und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU
> München (draxler at phonetik.uni-muenchen.de<mailto:draxler at phonetik.uni-muenchen.de>)
>  Gabor Toth, University of Passau and German Historical Institute
> (gabor.toth at maximilianeum.de<mailto:gabor.toth at maximilianeum.de>)
> We'll circulate more information soon once we have decided on a
> procedure for gathering information for the registry of archives in
> Europe, and once the videos of the lectures are online. If anyone
> wants to drop off the discussion list at any point, please feel free
> to follow the instructions to unsubscribe, or just get in touch with
> me.
> Best wishes,
> Martin
oral-history mailing list
oral-history at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history at lists.clarin.eu>

Henk van den Heuvel
Director CLST & Head of the Humanities Lab
Radboud University
Erasmusplein 1
NL-6525 HT Nijmegen
Tel   : +31 24 3611686<tel:%2B31%2024%203611686>
Fax  : +31 24 3612907<tel:%2B31%2024%203612907>
e-mail: H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl<mailto:H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl>

oral-history mailing list
oral-history at lists.clarin.eu<mailto:oral-history at lists.clarin.eu>

Henk van den Heuvel
Director CLST & Head of the Humanities Lab
Radboud University
Erasmusplein 1
NL-6525 HT Nijmegen
Tel   : +31 24 3611686
Fax  : +31 24 3612907
e-mail: H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl<mailto:H.vandenHeuvel at let.ru.nl>
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