[Dev] Component Registry 2.2.0 beta

Twan Goosen twan at clarin.eu
Thu Nov 24 16:00:48 CET 2016

Dear all,

Here's to notify you of the fact that we have deployed a beta release of 
the new version of the Component Registry. It is accessible at 
<https://www.clarin.eu/componentregistry-beta> (you will have to accept 
a self signed certificate, unfortunately). This version has a large 
number of new features and enhancements, mainly related to CMDI 1.2 and 
the component lifecycle (for more on that, see 
<https://www.clarin.eu/cmdi12>). A comprehensive list of changes 
compared to the current production version can be found at 

We would like to invite you to try out this beta release, especially if 
you are a (more or less) regular user of the Component Registry. Since 
the stable release is scheduled in the first week(s) of January, we are 
mainly looking for any remaining functional issues; however, any kind of 
feedback is welcome and can be sent to <testing at clarin.eu>.

There also is an elaborate test plan for the application. It would be 
highly appreciated if one or more persons could carry out (part of) that 
plan if they have the time; it will take approximately 1.5-2.5 hours to 
carry out the full plan. If you are interested, please let me know and I 
will send you the details.


P.S. The beta version of the Component Registry is running completely 
separately from the production version and any changes you make there 
will not affect production data in any way. Since it is not intended to 
be used for any production purposes, please do not use any of its 
profiles for your actual metadata in any way!

Twan Goosen
Software developer at CLARIN ERIC
www.clarin.eu | twan at clarin.eu

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