[Clarin-nl] Fw: ATRIUM Summer School - Data Literacy with R for Students of Humanities

Rutten, G.J. (Gijsbert) g.j.rutten at hum.leidenuniv.nl
Thu Feb 13 17:35:18 CET 2025

Zie hieronder!

From: Training <training-bounces at lists.clarin.eu> on behalf of Lek, I. van der (Iulianna) via Training <training at lists.clarin.eu>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2025 5:01 PM
To: userinvolvement at lists.clarin.eu <userinvolvement at lists.clarin.eu>; training at lists.clarin.eu <training at lists.clarin.eu>; dhcourseregistry at lists.oeaw.ac.at <dhcourseregistry at lists.oeaw.ac.at>
Subject: [CLARIN Training] ATRIUM Summer School - Data Literacy with R for Students of Humanities

Dear all,

Please disseminate the ATRIUM Summer School in your humanities networks:

TNA Summer School Application Closes 28/02

A quick reminder that the application deadline for the ATRIUM TNA summer school ‘Data Literacy with R for Students of Humanities’ at Charles University in Prague is approaching on February 28. The summer school will take place from 4th to 15th August and is ideal for students who do not have any programming skills, boasting a non-competitive and highly supportive environment for scholars who get easily intimidated by computers. More info here<https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/events/summer-school-data-literacy-r-students-humanities>.

Thank you.

Kind regards,


Iulianna van der Lek

CLARIN ERIC Training and Education Officer

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

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