[Clarin-nl] SSHOC-NL Tool Use Survey

Smith, E.L.T. (Eleanor) e.l.t.smith at vu.nl
Fri Jul 12 15:21:37 CEST 2024

Hi all,
Sorry to members of the SSHOC-NL project for any cross-posting.
We, at SSHOC-NL<https://www.sshopencloud.eu/about-sshoc> task 3.1 (Machine Learning and AI for Methodologically Sound Data Enrichment), have developed a very short survey (2-5 mins).
The aim of this survey is to improve our understanding of which types of data enrichment tools are being used in the social sciences and humanities.
Within the SSHOC-NL project, such information will enable us to provide tailored support, advice and information to users as a part of our task.
We would really appreciate it if you could fill in the form here<https://forms.gle/zw8ezsSFHMnxLLi1A> , and send it to other researchers in your network who you think would be interested on contributing to our work on this topic.
Thank you and happy summer from everyone at task 3.1!
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