[Clarin-Be] [NCF] Urgent Call for a Partner – CHIST-ERA 2025: “Science in Your Own Language”

Paul Van Eecke paul at ai.vub.ac.be
Fri Mar 7 10:43:04 CET 2025

Dag Vincent,

Helaas financiert het FWO 'om budgettaire redenen' de laatste jaren geen projecten meer in het kader van de chist-era calls (het FNRS dan weer wel - vandaar dat België op de lijst staat).

Jammer, want het is op zich een mooi lightweight fundingkanaal voor onderzoeksprojecten met kleinere internationale consortia.

Vriendelijke groeten,

Prof. dr. Paul Van Eecke
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
https://ehai.ai.vub.ac.be <https://ehai.ai.vub.ac.be/>

> On 7 Mar 2025, at 09:54, Vincent Vandeghinste <vincent at ccl.kuleuven.be> wrote:
> Dear CLARIN and CLARIAH colleagues,
> see the below call - spread the word!
> kind regards,
> v.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:	[NCF] Urgent Call for a Partner – CHIST-ERA 2025: “Science in Your Own Language”
> Date:	2025-03-07 09:20
> From:	Darja Fišer via NCF <ncf at lists.clarin.eu>
> To:	NCF list <ncf at lists.clarin.eu>
> Cc:	"Lek, I. van der (Iulianna) via BoD" <bod at lists.clarin.eu>
> Reply-To:	Darja Fišer <Darja.Fiser at inz.si>
> Dear all,
> please see the very interesting and relevant invitation to join a project proposal below. Feel free to forward the message within your communities and get in touch with the main proposer directly but pls add me to cc /  inform me of any developments so that I can keep track of your expressions of interest and follow up as/if needed.
> Many thanks,
> Darja
>> From: operas-sac-request at groups.openedition.org <mailto:operas-sac-request at groups.openedition.org> <operas-sac-request at groups.openedition.org <mailto:operas-sac-request at groups.openedition.org>> On Behalf Of Mikołaj Leszczuk
>> Sent: Thursday, March 6, 2025 8:37 PM
>> To: operas-sac at groups.openedition.org <mailto:operas-sac at groups.openedition.org>
>> Cc: Kamel Smaïli <Kamel.Smaili at loria.fr <mailto:Kamel.Smaili at loria.fr>>
>> Subject: [operas-sac] Urgent Call for a Partner – CHIST-ERA 2025: "Science in Your Own Language"
>> Dear Members of the OPERAS Scientific Advisory Committee,
>> We hope this message finds you well. We are reaching out on behalf of Pr. Kamel Smaïli (LORIA, UL, CNRS, France) and Dr. Mikołaj Leszczuk (AGH University of Krakow, Poland) to urgently request your support in identifying a third partner for our new project proposal under the CHIST-ERA Call 2025: "Science in Your Own Language" (SOL). We have a strong track record of collaboration in CHIST-ERA (notably the 2014 project Access Multilingual Information opinionS – AMIS), and now we aim to build on that experience with an ambitious, multidisciplinary consortium.
>> Project Focus and Goals
>> Our proposed project centers on developing AI-driven tools to tackle language and cultural barriers in scientific communication. Specifically, we plan to:
>> 1. Transform complex scientific content (including text, graphs, equations, tables, images, and video) into accessible multimedia formats that are adaptable to diverse linguistic and cultural contexts.
>> 2. Implement a real-time system for text translation, explanation, and summarization, allowing users to explore scientific output at various levels of complexity (from general public to expert audiences).
>> 3. Enhance scientific integrity by detecting cross-lingual fraud, plagiarism, and misinformation in research outputs across different languages and disciplines.
>> 4. Generate interactive audiovisual material (e.g., videos, animations) from textual content to make knowledge dissemination more engaging and user-friendly.
>> These objectives are aligned with the CHIST-ERA 2025 SOL theme, emphasizing multilingual scientific communication and broadening access to research findings.
>> Current Consortium
>> • AGH University of Krakow (Poland): Expertise in multimedia processing, AI-driven document analysis, and knowledge adaptation.
>> • LORIA, UL, CNRS (France): Expertise in machine translation, natural language processing, large language models, and domain-specific linguistic adaptation.
>> The Missing Partner
>> To meet the formal CHIST-ERA requirement of at least three partners from three different participating countries, we are actively seeking a third partner from among the other CHIST-ERA nations, such as Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, or the United Kingdom. Desired expertise includes one (or more) of the following areas:
>> • Humanities, Linguistics, or Digital Humanities – adapting scientific writing style to varied cultural and linguistic contexts and understand sociolinguistic variations.
>> • Scientific Publishing & Digital Repositories – structuring and enhancing accessibility of scientific outputs and adapting it to the skill of the user.  For instance, providing simplified abstracts or summaries for non-experts, offering in-depth technical details for researchers and domain specialists and enabling multilingual access for broader audience reach.
>> • AI-based Plagiarism & Fraud Detection – developing innovative methods for cross-lingual research integrity and verification and performing a subjective evaluation by experts.
>> • Advanced Pattern Recognition in Scientific Documents – analyzing graphs, tables, formulas, or complex visual structures.
>> We intend to submit our proposal by April 2025, hence the urgency in finalizing our consortium. The approximate project budget per partner is expected to range from €600,000 to €1 million (depending on each funding agency's regulations).
>> Contact
>> Please feel free to contact us directly at:
>> • Pr. Kamel Smaïli – [LORIA/UL/CNRS, France]
>> Kamel.Smaili at loria.fr <mailto:Kamel.Smaili at loria.fr>
>> • Dr. Mikołaj Leszczuk – [AGH University of Krakow, Poland]
>> mikolaj.leszczuk at agh.edu.pl <mailto:mikolaj.leszczuk at agh.edu.pl>
>> If you are not interested, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your time in reading this message.
>> We look forward to the possibility of collaborating and would be grateful if you could share this call with other researchers or organizations that might be interested.
>> With kind regards,
>> Dr. Kamel Smaïli (LORIA, UL, CNRS, France)
>> Dr. Mikołaj Igor Leszczuk (AGH University of Krakow, Poland)
>> Pour vous désabonner, veuillez accéder à l'URL / To unsubscribe, please open this URL : https://groups.openedition.org/sympa/signoff/operas-sac?email=irena.vipavc%40fdv.uni-lj.si
> -- 
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