[Clarin-Be] [CLARIN-BE] Action required: Mailing list and renewal of agreement with CLARIN-ERIC

Vincent Vandeghinste vincent at ccl.kuleuven.be
Thu Feb 20 17:14:36 CET 2025

Dear members of the CLARIN-BE consortium,

The first four years of CLARIN-BE have passed by quickly, and we have to 
prolong our agreement with CLARIN-ERIC. While this is not much more than 
a formality, I want to take the opportunity of organising things a bit 

Instead of the current clarin-be at ccl.kuleuven.be email address that 
aliases all your emails, we've set up a mailing list 
https://lists.clarin.eu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clarin-be. This will 
allow more flexible management of who gets which emails. It will also 
allow you to easily subscribe/unsubscribe or delegate following up on 
CLARIN-BE by people from your lab. So, please subscribe to this mailing 
list, as this current address will become obsolete.

Another request for the renewal of our agreement with CLARIN-ERIC: we 
are asked to provide a list of things we are planning to contribute to 
the CLARIN infrastructure in the next four years. So, if you have some 
corpora, tools, models, or other resources (e.g. training materials) 
that you are planning to make or have made but not yet deposited to 
CLARIN, now would be a good time to consider listing these. It should be 
clear that such a list does not oblige you to anything and is merely 
used to get an idea of what to expect and to identify potential 
synergies between different partners.

I would greatly appreciate your response (and subscription to the 
mailing list) by March 16. If you think CLARIN-BE is no longer relevant 
for your group or you have no further interest, then please also notify 

kind regards,

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